76% of LGBT people who were sports club members met recommendations for physical activity, compared to 38% of LGBT people who were not club members
(The National LGBT Partnership and Physical Activity Statistics, BHF)
According to this report, LGBT levels of physical activity are 13-25% below the general population.
One of the biggest factors that increase participation was being part of a gym / sports club facility. I often personally speak about the barriers the LGBT community face though it's positive for me to find this one single entry point to LGBT people being more physically active.
There are course will be increased barriers to LGBT+ people joining a gym or sports club facility in the first place, but I believe that having awareness of this single entry point to better health, may actively where possible, motivate people to become more inclined to join a facility.
I offer a friendly starting point for gay men and LGBT+ people looking to exercise more and enjoy a healthier life-style, whether through personal training in person or online and many groups, increasingly, around the country and world are inviting the LGBT+ community, with greater awareness to their needs, forming social groups and specially catered health and fitness experiences.
Joining a gym or sports club or a more structured approach to your physical activity may hold you more accountable, help you to find a social group which can offer support, encourage greater use by forming routines and habits and increase your confidence.
LGBT+ led initiatives are becoming more popular and widespread. This is a hugely positive change.
If you're not already part of a gym or sports club facility, consider taking this step to better physical and mental health.